I would love to see them getting married in the other books of the series. And they open the gifts and scott gives a huge speech about what he got for kip and everyone thinks he is proposing and his dad even moves the table so scott can kneel (lmao) but he pulls out a tickets instead of a ring and says that he is sending kip's parents on a europe trip and everyone says they expected him to propose and scott says sorry and says he knows what he wants to do now. They pull down the mattress and have sex coz the bed is creaking. Kip's mom makes all the food and drinks for scott and he eats without saying no and they get drunk. Publishers Weekly, starred review for Common Goal New York Admirals captain Scott Hunter takes his pregame rituals very seriously. Pro hockey star Scott Hunter knows a good thing when he sees it. In this case, it’s not just a lucky smoothie he’s cravingit’s the man who made it. Probably by far the best book I’ve ever read so far It’s entertaining, definitely pulls on your heart strings. Scott doesnt have any family and he loves to be with kip's family. Game Changer A Gay Sports Romance Rachel Reid, Click to preview Reid’s hockey-themed Game Changers series continues on its red-hot winning streak. Game Changer Rachel Reid 3.82 6,582 ratings1,044 reviews Want to read Kindle 6.99 Rate this book New York Admirals captain Scott Hunter takes his pregame rituals very seriously. USA TODAY bestselling author Rachel Reid Game Changers Book 1: Game Changer Book 2: Heated Rivalry Book 3: Tough Guy Book 4: Common. It's about 6 months after the nhl awards and scott comes to their home to christmas.

I had to convert the wpubs into pdf and do so much modifications so I could read the book on my phone but it was totally worth it.

I loved this epilogue so much coz I wasnt satisfied with the one in the book.