
The Perfect Weapon by David E. Sanger
The Perfect Weapon by David E. Sanger

The Perfect Weapon by David E. Sanger

The text frequently shifts to the first-person singular, along with excerpts from interviews Sanger has had with officials up to and including the president of the United States. The book flows from reporting for The Times by Sanger and his colleagues, who have had access, and volunteer informants, that lesser publications rarely enjoy. He avoids the tendency, all too common in futuristic discussions of cyber issues, to spin out elaborate and scary hypothetical scenarios. Sanger, a national security correspondent for The New York Times, stays firmly grounded in real events, including communication systems getting hacked and servers being disabled. Sanger’s “The Perfect Weapon” is an encyclopedic account of policy-relevant happenings in the cyberworld. The development of cyber capabilities has been rapid and is continuing doctrine is largely yet to be written and ideas about control are only beginning to emerge.ĭavid E. The newest technological means of mayhem are cyber, meaning anything involving the electronic transmission of ones and zeros.

The Perfect Weapon by David E. Sanger

Each technology goes through a cycle of development and weaponization, followed only later by the formulation of doctrine and occasionally by efforts to control the weapon’s use. New technologies of destruction have appeared throughout history, from the trireme and gunpowder in past centuries to biological and nuclear weapons in more modern times. THE PERFECT WEAPON War, Sabotage, and Fear in the Cyber Age By David E.

The Perfect Weapon by David E. Sanger