
The Farther Shore by Christie Golden
The Farther Shore by Christie Golden

The Farther Shore by Christie Golden

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The Farther Shore by Christie Golden

Characters Kathryn Janeway Starfleet admiral. Has Voyager come home only to witness humanity's end?Įxcerpts of copyrighted sources are included for review purposes only, without any intention of infringement. Now, with a little help from the Starship Enterprise, Admiral Janeway must reunite her crew in a desperate, last-ditch attempt to discover the true source of the contagion and save Earth itself from assimilation into a voracious new Borg Collective. Did Kathryn Janeway and the others unknowingly carry this insidious infection back with them? Many in Starfleet think so, and Seven of Nine in particular, falls under a cloud of suspicion.

The Farther Shore by Christie Golden The Farther Shore by Christie Golden

Summary From the book jacket When an unstoppable Borg plague breaks out upon Earth, blame quickly falls on the newly returned crew of the Starship Voyager.

The Farther Shore by Christie Golden